October 17, 2006

S. Sin cannot be removed by good deeds!

On Sunday night in our small group time we discovered through the GOSPEL JOURNEY that Sin cannot be removed by our good deeds.
Greg Stier said in the video that our sacrifice for sins must be a blood sacrifice. This is what God desires. Although we understand that today we don't make sacrifices of animals anymore, because Jesus became for us the Lamb of God that would take away the sins of the world. He was our blood sacrifice. He, just like the Lamb of ancient Israel's sacrifices, would take the place of us in the wrath of God's judgment. He bled on the cross for our sins, He suffered for our mistakes and wrongdoings.
We also realized that we have need for our sins to be removed, because in and of ourselves we will never be good enough. The 10 Commandments were given for us to be able to see that we would never be able to keep the moral law. We will always fall short. Sin is missing the mark or falling short of God's law. Just as a judge brings judgment on someone who disobeys the law in our judicial system, so God will bring His judgment upon those who disobey His laws and commands.
We all fall short, there is none that is able to keep the law. However, there is one who has kept the law and has come not to do away with the law, but to fulfill it. This is Jesus. He was born without sin and was the only one to remain without sin. He was God incarnate in the flesh. He is our spotless Lamb.
Yes! We do need a Savior, our sins cannot be removed by our good deeds!

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