October 10, 2006

How do I witness to a friend that is difficult?

Whoa! This is a tough one. How do I share my faith with someone who believes in something so totally opposite from what I do. God will give you boldness and strength but you must do some work to prepare yourself. Hence.. the whole GOSPEL JOURNEY on Sunday nights. Just for your information here are a couple places to go to get prepared.

And last but not least I have taken this directly from dare2share.org It is a list of how to share with very specific believers.

How to Share Your Faith with...

Have friends who are atheists? Agnostics? Into Wicca? Or New Age? Which of these belief systems have you encountered before? Did you talk to them about what they believe? Were you able to share the gospel with them? Fourteen predominate worldviews are explored, providing insights on how to be effective in sharing your faith with others.
Which one of your friends do you want to share your faith with?

Alisha the Agnostic
Andy the Atheist
Bailey the Buddhist
Erin the Evolutionist
Hari the Hindu
Jenna the Jew
Jordan the Jehovah Witness
Marty the Mormon
Mo the Muslim
Nicole the New Ager
Ryan the Religious
Sid the Satanist
Tara the Typical
Willow the Wiccan

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