January 18, 2007

Five Love Languages for Teenagers

Just a quick note to invite all you parents and teens to our Wednesday night study "The Five Love Languages for Teenagers"

This study will examine the Five Love Languages as they relate to teens and their parents. We discovered last night in our introduction that teenagers are searching for love and acceptance from their parents and we also realized that the world around them has greatly influenced their thinking and behavior. This is a chance to make a positive impact on the life of our teens. We need to show them a commitment to love them and accept them no matter what they have done. God has shown us a great example of what unconditional love is all about and we as a group aquired a list of scripture that speak to the heart of that love.

We want to help our teenagers realize their potential in Christ. God wants our very best and we should show the love that he has lavished on us.

So....you are invited to bring your parents, or bring your teenagers to come and experience the languages of love.

  • Words of Affirmation

  • Physical Touch

  • Gifts

  • Quality Time

  • Acts of Service

Let them know we are Christians by our love!

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