January 7, 2007

Devin's Dad in Rehab

Hello all,
I realize that it has been a bit since I have updated you all on my position and what is happening with my father. Well, where do I start...um, ok...we made the trip from South Dakota to Indiana in about two days and now my Dad is in a nearby Rehab facility. He is still having trouble with his words, however he is progressing. I will be having a meeting with my Dad's therapists and Doctor to determine how long his stay in Rehab will be. I am encouraged by my Dad's therapists and I am praying for a quick recovery. Thank you so much for your prayers during this time of transition in life. My Dad will soon be coming to stay with me and my family. This will be a big change for us all, but I know that God will continue to strengthen and bring us closer to Him through all of these challenges.
In His Love,

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