January 29, 2007

Picking Up Where Devin Left Off...

Those of you who were able to see/speak with Jimmy yesterday morning were able to hear some valuable teaching about six essentials to Christian living.

from Dictionary.com:
essential, adj. - absolutely necessary; indispensable

Six Essentials to Christian Living
1. Pray for your lost friends. Pray in front of your lost friends for their needs. Pray in front of your lost friends for their salvation.

2. Your testimony consists of three parts: your life before you realized your need for Christ as Savior and Lord, how you became a Christian, and then your life after you became a Christian. Use your testimony as a gauge to see where God is working. In other words, after giving your testimony (which means you first have to give your testimony!), ask if anything like that has happened to them, and eventually ask them if they would like to see that happen in their lives. If they say, "no" then God has not yet opened the door. (This does not mean that he will not open it at a later time!)

3. Share the gospel as much as possible. This may mean inviting your friends into your home or someplace other than church for a Bible study. (note: if you feel led to do this and want help, just tap Devin or me.)

Cast your vision for those around you and find people to walk along-side you with that vision. Casting your vision means envisioning how God can move in your community (whether that's your school, your circle of friends, your neighborhood, or your youth group!).

5. Live out Mt. 22:37-40: love God with your heart, soul, and mind & love your neighbor as yourself. The whole Old Testament (yes, all those pages) boil down to those two things!

Matthew 22:34-40:
But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets."

6. Disciple others to live out Mt. 22:37-40--yes, you don't have to be out of junior high or high school to teach others about Jesus!

There they are, six things all of us need to be doing this week!

A visit from an friend!

Last Sunday, we had a visit from a friend in Kenya. Yes, Jimmy Bledsoe spoke to the youth group during Sunday school live from Kenya. Jimmy and his family are on mission in Africa for a period of two years. There are now entering into their time in Tanzania where they will be ministering to the Sukuma people. If you are interested in praying for and helping Jimmy and his family in their mission you may visit there website at http://web.mac.com/jdbledsoe519/iWeb/Site/Welcome.html

Please pray for the Bledsoes as they are on mission with God in Africa!

January 26, 2007

Helping the Conrades Move!

Hey all,

I know what you are thinking. "Man...I am going to be so bored on Saturday. What ever shall I do?" Well...look no further, your problems have been solved. Here are the specifics.

Where: Meet at FBC Parking Lot

When: 12:00 p.m.

What: We are helping the Conrades move in to the old parsonage!

How: A few people here and there and we will "get er' done"!

Lunch is provided: Pizza and drinks for lunch...come and get it!
Who: Me, and You and Mr. Magoo!
Just Kiddn' me and you are fine.

January 18, 2007

GameDay Registration

GameDay registration is due by January 28. The cost is $25.00 per youth. There are two release forms that must be signed for you to go. Please see Devin for your registration.

That's right it is

Five Love Languages for Teenagers

Just a quick note to invite all you parents and teens to our Wednesday night study "The Five Love Languages for Teenagers"

This study will examine the Five Love Languages as they relate to teens and their parents. We discovered last night in our introduction that teenagers are searching for love and acceptance from their parents and we also realized that the world around them has greatly influenced their thinking and behavior. This is a chance to make a positive impact on the life of our teens. We need to show them a commitment to love them and accept them no matter what they have done. God has shown us a great example of what unconditional love is all about and we as a group aquired a list of scripture that speak to the heart of that love.

We want to help our teenagers realize their potential in Christ. God wants our very best and we should show the love that he has lavished on us.

So....you are invited to bring your parents, or bring your teenagers to come and experience the languages of love.

  • Words of Affirmation

  • Physical Touch

  • Gifts

  • Quality Time

  • Acts of Service

Let them know we are Christians by our love!

January 15, 2007


Yes it is coming!!! Register by January 28th with Devin!
You will not be dissappointed!

January 8, 2007

What is M-Fuge?

What is M-Fuge? Look at this video!

Ski Trip another day!

O.k. I know that many of you are wondering what is happening with the Ski-Trip to Perfect North. Well...I am afraid that it would be best to cancel this event and maybe look forward to something else in the near future.
February will be a busy month with GameDay and the Valentine's Banquet. I think it would be too much to schedule another event for that month. I would like for us to go sking/tubing however I also would like there to be snow!
The snow report as of today says that the snow on the hills is only covering 25% of the easiest slopes. This would mean that a majority of the slopes would not be open. I want this event to be enjoyable and not dissapointing especially with the cost involved.
SO.....I would like to schedule something possibly in March for us to do together as a family. So...stay tuned for further details.
In the meantime, I would like for any parents that would like to come to GameDay to speak with me and we can make plans for you to attend.
I would like to invite parents to come and attend the "Five Love Languages" study on Wednesday nights. This will be a time for us to connect and to prepare for the Valentine's Day banquet.
Thank you for your understanding in this time.

What is GameDay?

Check out this Video!!

On the Horizon!

There are many plans set in place for the near future with the FBC Youth.
Let me give you a break down!

  • February 9-10, 2007 Game Day from Dare2Share Ministries in St. Louis
  • February 14, 2007 Valentine's Day Banquet "Five Love Languages"
  • M-Fuge Registration for June 4-9, 2007

Click on the following links to obtain further information about these events.



January 7, 2007

Devin's Dad in Rehab

Hello all,
I realize that it has been a bit since I have updated you all on my position and what is happening with my father. Well, where do I start...um, ok...we made the trip from South Dakota to Indiana in about two days and now my Dad is in a nearby Rehab facility. He is still having trouble with his words, however he is progressing. I will be having a meeting with my Dad's therapists and Doctor to determine how long his stay in Rehab will be. I am encouraged by my Dad's therapists and I am praying for a quick recovery. Thank you so much for your prayers during this time of transition in life. My Dad will soon be coming to stay with me and my family. This will be a big change for us all, but I know that God will continue to strengthen and bring us closer to Him through all of these challenges.
In His Love,