September 14, 2006

How Much Do You Love Me?

Momentum was hard last night for me...I am sure you understood that when I began to cry.
I want to be real with you.
I want you to know that I am a real person. I understand what you are going through at school and at home and with your friends and at church and when you are all alone. I have been there! It is not about what I want! It is about HIM!
I hope last night brought to your mind the sick, disgusting, and hidious death that Jesus faced. I hope that you saw the thorns and heard His cries. I hope that you were reminded of His blood and sacrifice for you.
Let's be real! Let's be who God has called us to be, let's be the Christians who are truly Christ-like!
He became nothing and poured Himself out, so that we might have grace and mercy lavished on us. His mercy and grace are treasures that we do not deserve. We will never amount to His righteousness, but He asks that we give Him all!

How much do you love me?
Then He stretched out His arms and He died.

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