December 30, 2006

Travel antics from Devin

Hello all,
I want to pause for a moment again this morning and say thank you for praying for me and my family and to update you on my situation...
I am here in Rapid City, SD. I spent many hours with my father for the first time since his stroke. It is amazing to me that someone can be fully there in front of you, but unable to communicate the very things that are in his head. He starts many times to tell me something that he seems to think is very, very important and then ends with "I don't know." It seems as if he is trapped inside his own body. He has almost full function of his body, however his tongue doesn't connect with his mind. He also says gibberish words like "snoodlepools" I have no idea what a "snoodlepool" is but dad asked me about them. "What about the snoodlepools in the....'I don't know," he said.
He said my name yesterday! When I was about to leave he thought he saw the pen I was using drop to the ground and he said, "Devin the mark fell" Which I asked him if he meant the marker and he said yes. It didn't fall, but I was sure glad to hear my name come from his lips.
When I went in to see him for the first time, he reached for my hand immediately and started crying. I knew he knew me and was glad I was there. It was almost as if he were saying your here and I am safe.
So the future for my dad is going to be a little uncertain, but he has a chance for a really delicate surgery in about a month that might remove the blockage in his left artery. At first we thought his artery was completely acluded, but it turns out from the MRA results that is is only 99.9% blocked and there is a chance to help him have a better chance of not having a severe stroke again in the future.
For right now, the plan is that my dad will come and live with me. He will have to go to rehab and go through Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. He will need as many cognitive exercises as he can handle. Right now the boys will be learning many of the same things my dad will be relearning. It is funny how God has worked out everything in our lives to prepare us to take care of my dad.
Please pray for us as a family as this will be a big transition.
We love you all and thank you for your prayer and support.
In Him,

December 29, 2006

In Rapid!

Hello all,
I wanted to take a second this morning and thank you again for praying for me and my family.
God is definitely at work in this. I made it safely here to Rapid City before the storm hit hard in Denver. I traveled safely through very snowy roads with snow flying in my face. God has kept me safe and now I am here with my sister getting ready to see my Dad for the first time.
Thank you for your prayers and love.
In Him,

December 28, 2006

Flying out!

I will try to keep you all posted on what is going on. I know that you don't know my father, but if you have met me, you have practically met him in many ways. I look a lot like my dad, I also joke and have fun a lot like my dad. I really pray that he will be able to remember me. Most friends of his that I talk to say that he will. They believe that he remembers things in the past well, but has a hard time with short term memory right now.
I can't really tell you how hard this is for me. But I want you all to know that I believe that even though it is a big challenge I realize that GOD is bigger. He will empower me to do what needs to be done to make sure that my dad is cared for and loved.
Thank you for praying for me.
I am leaving St. Louis this morning on a flight into Denver. Pray for safe travel and that it won't snow so bad that I can't make it out of Denver. I will then be hopping a bus to my mom's and then go to my dad's. I will be in Rapid City sometime tonight around 9:00 or 10:00 maybe.
Pray for my family as I will leave Carrie and the boys here with her family.
Thanks again for your prayers.

December 27, 2006

Devin's Dad

Hello all FBC Youth and Parents,
I am blogging a quick note to let you all know what is going on in my world.
I have very sad news. My dad, Bill, has suffered a mild stroke. This is actually his second stroke. He had one earlier last year. This one was more severe. He is able to move but he is unable to communicate clearly. He really is not making much sense. He says Yes and No but not really at the appropriate times. Please pray for me and my family.
My brothers and sisters and I will be meeting in Rapid City, SD. This is where my dad is in the hospital. We are going to have to make decisions on where my dad will live now. He is going to need assited living.
I pray that this will be something that brings my family closer to Christ. I ask that you pray for unity and like mindness in dealing with my fathers affairs and making sure that he is well cared for.
I will be back with you all after Jan 5.
Let me know if you are having any questions about anything. You may e-mail me at
I will try to respond as soon as possible.
With all love in Christ,

December 25, 2006

gospel journey: less than two weeks away!

gospel journey preview

December 20, 2006

Parent SKI TRIP Meeting

This is an infromational meeting about the who, what, where, and why of the SKI TRIP...if you are interested at all, even the least bit, if you have a small hankern' you do need to come to the meeting. We will meet in the youth room at 5:30 p.m. tonight before prayer meeting. I will be swift and prompt and let you know all you need to know and answer all your most difficult questions...about the trip.
Ok Be there.
youth room
5:30 p.m. Dec. 20, 2006

December 19, 2006

Middle School! recap of Col. 1:1-17

Hey, since it's mid-December, there's finals, and our brains tend to freeze and/or hibernate at about this time, I decided to post everything we've covered in Sunday School up to this point. Hope this is helpful! If you have any questions, e-mail or IM me.

Background: Col. 1:1-2
The book of Colossians is a letter written by Paul to the church at--you guessed it, Colossae. The new believers in Colossae were struggling with thoughts from the culture around them, called Gnosticism. They believed that physical matter (I.e. things you can touch) was evil, so God would never be man, and therefore Christ was not the Son of God. Another aspect of Gnosticism was they believed they could think their way to knowing God.

Week 1 (12/3): Col. 1:3-8
There are two things: Truth and Untruth. 1+1 = 2. 1+1 = 500. Both cannot be true. In our lives, we believe in all sorts of truths--there are twelve months in a year, etc. Because of this, we’ll never buy a calendar that says one year has thirteen months in it, and we’ll never see ourselves writing the date 13/04/06 on the top of a homework sheet. As believers, we stand on the Truth that Jesus is the Savior, and when we place our faith in Him, we are adopted as God’s children and forgiven of sin. Just like the whole solar system revolves around the sun, we as believers revolve our lives around the Truth that salvation is in Jesus alone, and this impacts everything we believe and do. Just like in the Colossians’ day, knowing the Truth changes lives, and it changes the lives to all who believe--including us; it shifts a me-centered world to a Truth-centered world, which changes everything.

Week 2 (12/10): Col. 1:9-14
God saved you when he did for a reason--he wants to use you! Just like when God called the Colossians to salvation, he did not want to them to sit like bumps on a log and do nothing, he wanted them to know Him and to share this knowledge with others. In Matthew 22, Jesus sums up the Old Testament law by saying that believers should love God with all we have, and then love our neighbors as ourselves. God doesn’t want us to be confused about how we should love, or to study up on creative ways to love, he just wants us to keep our eyes open for opportunities and do it! Loving people goes hand-in-hand with knowing God. The Message Bible paraphrase says it like this: "As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us." How do we know how God works? We pray, we study the Bible, we talk about it with other Christians, and we try it out.

Week 3 (12/18): Col. 1:15-17
Sometimes people today wonder what God would look like as a human being (not just physically, but how he would act). As Christians, we don’t have to wonder--God who was invisible made himself visible as Christ. Christ fully represents who God is, like an icon. Some of us have buddy icons on AIM which represent something about us, and that’s how Christ was to God, only Christ showed us who God was fully. Before Christ came to earth, he was in heaven--and he existed even before the heavens were created. Paul says (as well as John in John 1) that everything was created through Jesus, and for Him. The same goes today--everything happens because of Jesus, and it is only by Him that we’re allowed to do anything: sleep, eat, go to school, hang out with friends, exist. Jesus is so powerful that he sustains everything that goes on in creation, including the earth which would flood/dry out or freeze/burn if something was slightly changed with the moon or its distance from the sun. (If you want to hear more, check out Louie Giglio’s videos on it here & here.)

This Sunday we’ll be studying Col. 1:19-23. Rita will come through as the good Sunday School teacher and bring some goodies for us to eat, and we’ll have our Christmas festivities in the first half hour, so don’t be late!

December 18, 2006

Ski Trip to Perfect North

Hello all,

I know that you are excited as you all got letters explaining the details of our "Five Love Languages" Ski-Trip. If you did not receive a letter and would like information please stop by the office and we will get these things to you. Here is a link to the letter online-SkiTrip Letter

First, let me say that I know that with the holidays just around the corner and the after holiday price shock that most families experience. I am working diligently to enable everyone to be able to attend at a resonable cost. So please don't let the sticker shock kill the deal. I realize that this being a family event offers a larger dimension of financial obligation. In so many words, it costs a bit.

I want everyone that wants to go to go even if you are unable to ski,snowboard, or tube just your presence on the trip will be welcomed. We will have time to play some games in the lodge (anyone for go-fish) or (spades). Also this might be a time for parents to get together and enjoy each other's company as the youth hit the slopes. The main point here is that we all get a chance to be together and learn a little more about how to communicate with each other through the use of our "Love Language". Skiing will be one of the ways we will be able to put into practice what we learn.

If you have any questions about the trip email me at or call the office.
You can also see a detailed description of PerfectNorth at the website.

Ice-Skating a Blast!

Ok...I admit I am not an avid ice skater. I am not good at all. In fact this was my first time out on the ice. I had no idea how slick the ice would be. I know that sounds stupid because of course ice is slick, but man is it ever slick. However, I did not fall down thanks to the wall around the edge. I had a blast! Thank you to all those who went and put up with my poor skating, I will improve and maybe next year if we go skating I will be going out in the middle and doing some jumps! Ok...maybe not.
A good time was had by all!

December 7, 2006

Ice-Skating this Saturday!

Hello all you crazy youths!
I know that you will be checking the blog and looking for these details so here they are pass them around!
We are going Ice-Skating at Ice-Land Sports Complex (Louisville) and Mr. Gattis for pizza afterward!

Here is the link for Gattiland

  • Van's will leave from church at 10:00 a.m.
  • Ice-Skating and Pizza will cost $15.00 - games at gattiland will be extra. $5.00 should buy you tons of fun!
  • We will skate from 11:15 to 1:30
  • We will eat from 2:00 to 3:30
  • We will return home from 3:30 to 4:00
  • Dress warm you will be on ICE! ICE is cold, for those of you who aren't sure, believe me it is!

Any questions call me at home or at the office! Bring a friend!

See you Saturday!


December 6, 2006

They Made It!!

Our prayers were answered today as we have received word from Jimmy and his family that they have returned from their 40/40. You can read all about their adventures and see pictures from their safari at their new website.
I incourage you to take a look and see what is going on in their world!
