August 29, 2006

Parents + Pizza = Fun Meeting!

Parents of youth!
I wanted to remind you that we will be meeting briefly before Wednesday night Prayer Service on Sept 13th at 5:30 p.m.
Pizza will be served and you are invited to bring your youth as well. We will be discussing what we plan to see happening within the youth ministry in the upcoming year.

I am excited to meet with you soon!
If you are planning on attending please call or jot me an e-mail or post to this blog a comment! This will allow me the opportunity to see how many might be there so that I don't waste pizza!
In Him,

P.S. if you have a favorite soda list it as well!


Anonymous said...

Hey ya'll!

Just wanted to say things in Kentucky are great! I miss the youth so much and hope to see everyone soon!

Love ya Bunches!

PS. Its so cool ya'll have a blog!

Jon said...

Jimmy, you all haven't had Chombe pizza yet?