August 17, 2006

God in Three Persons!

Trinity- Who Cares? in MOMENTUM we discovered the truth about the Trinity. Which is?...
God exists in three seperate yet totally together persons!
God is Triune meaning that He is three in one. So...1+1+1=1

And some of us thought that math was hard...well it is and sometimes this kinda is a little tough to grasp so let me break it down.

God in three persons-- turns out..this really means a lot to Christians.
Without the Father creating us we would not exist!
Without the Son dying for us we would have no Savior!
Without the Spirit drawing us to Christ we would have no salvation! This tends to be a big one! Without the Triune God we are simply stuck (dead) in our transgression and sins.
Paul put it this way in Colosians 2:13-15 (click to read verse)

God is awesome! He loves us so much that He desires for us to take refuge in all three persons of Himself.
God, the creator of the Universe, loves us unconditionally. He sent His one and only Son to die for us a cruel and passionate death. When we accept Jesus as our Savior and ask Him to be our Lord God imparts His Holy Spirit to live within us and guide us. He becomes our comforter and our everpresent help.
What a wonderful Triune God we serve.
So...when we sing..."God in three persons, blessed Trinity" now we know why we are so excited about our One God in Three.

Want to know more about the Trinity look at these study notes.

Trinity- Who Cares?
Got Trinity?

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