June 7, 2007

We Finally Made it!

We are here! Belmont University has never seen such a beautiful bunch of LOSERS! We had a little mix up in directions yesterday and it took a bit longer for us to arrive, but we are here!Today is the first day of our Ministry Tracks...they range from doing VBS backyard Bible clubs to Painting and Construction! Everyone is really excited about how God is going to use them.We were challenged last night in our time of worship to go and be a light...in our world, but first we need to be a light to those around us where we are. God is calling us all to share the light of Jesus Christ within us. We looked at how truly dark our world is without Jesus light to show them the way. We will be a light, we will see a world changed! Pray that we will be open to new experiences, pray that we will remember names and that we will be able to communicate effectively the GOSPEL message. Pray that God will work deeply in us this week.Tune in for more soon!!


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