March 20, 2007

L.O.S.E.R. Week!

Hello Losers!
Yes, I said LOSERS! All the FBC Youth are headed for a week of complete and total Losership!

Matthew 10:39 says

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses
his life for my
find it.

God has called us all to be His LOSERS!

We will be serving Him by loving on those around us the week of March 26-30
through various projects.

March 26 L - Lawn Service
March 27 O - Outreach to the Ederly in Nursing Homes
March 28 S- Sensational Sports Ministry
March 29 E - Evangelistic Outreach (Man on the street interviews)
March 30 R - Relax and Regroup!

Five LOSER Days!
For more information or to register please click on the links provided!


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