October 10, 2006

Journey Ministries

Journey Ministries

Thoughts from Sunday's video:

From our video Sunday night, think about what the young man who claimed to be an atheist had to say – that mankind “evolved” to a point where they knew right from wrong. Right and wrong from an atheistic standpoint can only mean right and wrong to others, not God, since an atheist doesn’t believe in God.

Now, if that’s true, then the concept of societal cooperation and trust would have had to develop. This is fairly foreign to other species. Wolves exhibit this to some degree in killing as a pack, but there is a clear order, from the alpha wolf all the way to the omega (the lowest in the pack). The alpha gets the best spoils of the hunt, eat first, etc. although they may not do any more work than the rest of the pack in making the kill. Cooperation is for their very survival, but there’s clearly not a concept of “fairness.” The weak are the first ones to die off, even with the pack mentality.

We humans do have a concept of fairness. If you really buy the concept of survival of the fittest, then the concept of fairness (as a later development) would open up the being offering it to exploitation – exploitation to the potential point of death. It doesn’t even make sense in the evolutionary model. As an evolutionist, one really should exploit the weak (perhaps still within the confines of the law, as the “law” is stronger than the individual) since there won’t be any long term consequences. Showing mercy or kindness would be a sign of weakness. Of course, one would probably be pre-disposed to love one’s family (Jesus Himself said even the sinners do that), but no love to strangers or the weak.

Here’s an example of what I mean by “exploit:” you go into a store, buy something and pay for it. The clerk makes a $10 mistake in your favor. Unless there is some obligation or personal gain to be had from the cashier (very unlikely) by returning the money, an atheist would be a fool to return it. The clerk might have to reconcile the $10 from his own pay, or lose his job, but his weakness was the cause of him losing it in the first place – ergo, he doesn’t deserve a break.

If anyone would like to provide a refutation to this, drop a line and we’ll talk!

1 comment:

Poet said...

Yep! This point again clearly points us to the Creator rather than the creation. In evolution the creation is the focus...meaning that the focus is on how things evolved with us being the primary focus. However, when we think of Creationism's standpoint we clearly see that God was the designer and the focus is on what He has done, not what we can do...