September 14, 2006

Parents Meeting...oh my!

Wow! What a great turnout...I believe that there were around 10+ people at the meeting!
For those of you who couldn't be there, let me summarize.
You will recieve a letter that has this information in it as well, so be checking your mail!

I decribed my ideas of what Family-Based Youth Ministry is all about.
Short def--All people within the church working together in a family way to ensure that the youth are being raised up to be mature men and women of faith! Biblically speaking the older should teach the younger, and the younger should help the older to stay young.

Yearly Events- This is a list of events that I have in my plan book,however they are not set in stone, and can be added to or taken away from!

1. Winter Retreat- Ski Trip to PerfectNorth - somewhere between Dec or Jan -- will give you a sneak peek at the area and the stuff around! This retreat will be focusing on the Five Love Languages for teenagers and parents. Adults and youth will have time first by themselves and then together, with time for fun and snow sports as well. When we discover the language that best communicates love to each other, we find it easier to live in a Christ-focused relationship with each other, honoring God as His children who want to love and be loved!

2. Conference/Retreat - somewhere in March or April
3. M-Fuge - Mission Camp either in Nashville or St. Louis. Sometime in June or July. This camp experience is awesome! Go to for more information. Camp focused on real life mission work. Youth get to choose which area they will best minister in: drama, music, building, nursing home, food banks, and more. Plus, they also have a peer-ministry track for older youth wanting to reach youth their age.
4. Super Summer- Christian Youth Leadership Based Camp- sometime in July

Home Events -

1. V-Day Banquet to raise money for camp. This might even include dinner show, depending on participation.
2. Nursing Home, Elderly, Homeless - all aspects of community reach-out to those who are less fortunate.
3. Church project- we will be doing something at sometime to help in cleaning the church, in detail!
4. Community Service - as in cleaning our highway median.
5. School Events- take the youth to home games for them to cheer on their brothers and sisters in Christ.
See You at the Pole - Sept 27th - working on contacts with those involved in FCA!
Basketball - Fifth Quarter parties! I would like to work with area churches to help provide a safe, Christian enviroment for the youth to hang out after the games!

Youth Ministry Team
Linda D., and hopefully someone else, will be our parent/youth representative(s) on the Youth Ministry Team... This team is developed to help keep us accountable and provide wisdom, prayer, and support to the youth ministry at FBC.

Blog- I explained why we need a BLOG and why it seems to be working! I like to use it for a help in commmunicating information back to both you and the youth. Instant information at your fingers!

We had some ideas that came up...
Paula T. said that it would be good for the youth to work at the Soup Kitchen, maybe around the holidays.
I agree that we need to let the youth experience the joy of reaching out to someone less fortunate.

All in all the meeting went very well. I look forward to our next meeting. We will have another meeting in Oct or Nov. Watch the bulletin for more information!


Anonymous said...

sounds good...

Poet said...

Did you not get my letter. I sent it a month ago!