Hello all,
I want to pause for a moment again this morning and say thank you for praying for me and my family and to update you on my situation...
I am here in Rapid City, SD. I spent many hours with my father for the first time since his stroke. It is amazing to me that someone can be fully there in front of you, but unable to communicate the very things that are in his head. He starts many times to tell me something that he seems to think is very, very important and then ends with "I don't know." It seems as if he is trapped inside his own body. He has almost full function of his body, however his tongue doesn't connect with his mind. He also says gibberish words like "snoodlepools" I have no idea what a "snoodlepool" is but dad asked me about them. "What about the snoodlepools in the....'I don't know," he said.
He said my name yesterday! When I was about to leave he thought he saw the pen I was using drop to the ground and he said, "Devin the mark fell" Which I asked him if he meant the marker and he said yes. It didn't fall, but I was sure glad to hear my name come from his lips.
When I went in to see him for the first time, he reached for my hand immediately and started crying. I knew he knew me and was glad I was there. It was almost as if he were saying your here and I am safe.
So the future for my dad is going to be a little uncertain, but he has a chance for a really delicate surgery in about a month that might remove the blockage in his left artery. At first we thought his artery was completely acluded, but it turns out from the MRA results that is is only 99.9% blocked and there is a chance to help him have a better chance of not having a severe stroke again in the future.
For right now, the plan is that my dad will come and live with me. He will have to go to rehab and go through Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. He will need as many cognitive exercises as he can handle. Right now the boys will be learning many of the same things my dad will be relearning. It is funny how God has worked out everything in our lives to prepare us to take care of my dad.
Please pray for us as a family as this will be a big transition.
We love you all and thank you for your prayer and support.
In Him,
December 30, 2006
Travel antics from Devin
December 29, 2006
In Rapid!
Hello all,
I wanted to take a second this morning and thank you again for praying for me and my family.
God is definitely at work in this. I made it safely here to Rapid City before the storm hit hard in Denver. I traveled safely through very snowy roads with snow flying in my face. God has kept me safe and now I am here with my sister getting ready to see my Dad for the first time.
Thank you for your prayers and love.
In Him,
December 28, 2006
Flying out!
I will try to keep you all posted on what is going on. I know that you don't know my father, but if you have met me, you have practically met him in many ways. I look a lot like my dad, I also joke and have fun a lot like my dad. I really pray that he will be able to remember me. Most friends of his that I talk to say that he will. They believe that he remembers things in the past well, but has a hard time with short term memory right now.
I can't really tell you how hard this is for me. But I want you all to know that I believe that even though it is a big challenge I realize that GOD is bigger. He will empower me to do what needs to be done to make sure that my dad is cared for and loved.
Thank you for praying for me.
I am leaving St. Louis this morning on a flight into Denver. Pray for safe travel and that it won't snow so bad that I can't make it out of Denver. I will then be hopping a bus to my mom's and then go to my dad's. I will be in Rapid City sometime tonight around 9:00 or 10:00 maybe.
Pray for my family as I will leave Carrie and the boys here with her family.
Thanks again for your prayers.
December 27, 2006
Devin's Dad
Hello all FBC Youth and Parents,
I am blogging a quick note to let you all know what is going on in my world.
I have very sad news. My dad, Bill, has suffered a mild stroke. This is actually his second stroke. He had one earlier last year. This one was more severe. He is able to move but he is unable to communicate clearly. He really is not making much sense. He says Yes and No but not really at the appropriate times. Please pray for me and my family.
My brothers and sisters and I will be meeting in Rapid City, SD. This is where my dad is in the hospital. We are going to have to make decisions on where my dad will live now. He is going to need assited living.
I pray that this will be something that brings my family closer to Christ. I ask that you pray for unity and like mindness in dealing with my fathers affairs and making sure that he is well cared for.
I will be back with you all after Jan 5.
Let me know if you are having any questions about anything. You may e-mail me at iwillsingforhim@hotmail.com
I will try to respond as soon as possible.
With all love in Christ,
December 25, 2006
December 20, 2006
Parent SKI TRIP Meeting
This is an infromational meeting about the who, what, where, and why of the SKI TRIP...if you are interested at all, even the least bit, if you have a small hankern' you do need to come to the meeting. We will meet in the youth room at 5:30 p.m. tonight before prayer meeting. I will be swift and prompt and let you know all you need to know and answer all your most difficult questions...about the trip.
Ok Be there.
youth room
5:30 p.m. Dec. 20, 2006
December 19, 2006
Middle School! recap of Col. 1:1-17
Hey, since it's mid-December, there's finals, and our brains tend to freeze and/or hibernate at about this time, I decided to post everything we've covered in Sunday School up to this point. Hope this is helpful! If you have any questions, e-mail or IM me.
Background: Col. 1:1-2
The book of Colossians is a letter written by Paul to the church at--you guessed it, Colossae. The new believers in Colossae were struggling with thoughts from the culture around them, called Gnosticism. They believed that physical matter (I.e. things you can touch) was evil, so God would never be man, and therefore Christ was not the Son of God. Another aspect of Gnosticism was they believed they could think their way to knowing God.
Week 1 (12/3): Col. 1:3-8
There are two things: Truth and Untruth. 1+1 = 2. 1+1 = 500. Both cannot be true. In our lives, we believe in all sorts of truths--there are twelve months in a year, etc. Because of this, we’ll never buy a calendar that says one year has thirteen months in it, and we’ll never see ourselves writing the date 13/04/06 on the top of a homework sheet. As believers, we stand on the Truth that Jesus is the Savior, and when we place our faith in Him, we are adopted as God’s children and forgiven of sin. Just like the whole solar system revolves around the sun, we as believers revolve our lives around the Truth that salvation is in Jesus alone, and this impacts everything we believe and do. Just like in the Colossians’ day, knowing the Truth changes lives, and it changes the lives to all who believe--including us; it shifts a me-centered world to a Truth-centered world, which changes everything.
Week 2 (12/10): Col. 1:9-14
God saved you when he did for a reason--he wants to use you! Just like when God called the Colossians to salvation, he did not want to them to sit like bumps on a log and do nothing, he wanted them to know Him and to share this knowledge with others. In Matthew 22, Jesus sums up the Old Testament law by saying that believers should love God with all we have, and then love our neighbors as ourselves. God doesn’t want us to be confused about how we should love, or to study up on creative ways to love, he just wants us to keep our eyes open for opportunities and do it! Loving people goes hand-in-hand with knowing God. The Message Bible paraphrase says it like this: "As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us." How do we know how God works? We pray, we study the Bible, we talk about it with other Christians, and we try it out.
Week 3 (12/18): Col. 1:15-17
Sometimes people today wonder what God would look like as a human being (not just physically, but how he would act). As Christians, we don’t have to wonder--God who was invisible made himself visible as Christ. Christ fully represents who God is, like an icon. Some of us have buddy icons on AIM which represent something about us, and that’s how Christ was to God, only Christ showed us who God was fully. Before Christ came to earth, he was in heaven--and he existed even before the heavens were created. Paul says (as well as John in John 1) that everything was created through Jesus, and for Him. The same goes today--everything happens because of Jesus, and it is only by Him that we’re allowed to do anything: sleep, eat, go to school, hang out with friends, exist. Jesus is so powerful that he sustains everything that goes on in creation, including the earth which would flood/dry out or freeze/burn if something was slightly changed with the moon or its distance from the sun. (If you want to hear more, check out Louie Giglio’s videos on it here & here.)
This Sunday we’ll be studying Col. 1:19-23. Rita will come through as the good Sunday School teacher and bring some goodies for us to eat, and we’ll have our Christmas festivities in the first half hour, so don’t be late!
December 18, 2006
Ski Trip to Perfect North
Hello all,
I know that you are excited as you all got letters explaining the details of our "Five Love Languages" Ski-Trip. If you did not receive a letter and would like information please stop by the office and we will get these things to you. Here is a link to the letter online-SkiTrip Letter
First, let me say that I know that with the holidays just around the corner and the after holiday price shock that most families experience. I am working diligently to enable everyone to be able to attend at a resonable cost. So please don't let the sticker shock kill the deal. I realize that this being a family event offers a larger dimension of financial obligation. In so many words, it costs a bit.
I want everyone that wants to go to go even if you are unable to ski,snowboard, or tube just your presence on the trip will be welcomed. We will have time to play some games in the lodge (anyone for go-fish) or (spades). Also this might be a time for parents to get together and enjoy each other's company as the youth hit the slopes. The main point here is that we all get a chance to be together and learn a little more about how to communicate with each other through the use of our "Love Language". Skiing will be one of the ways we will be able to put into practice what we learn.
If you have any questions about the trip email me at iwillsingforhim@hotmail.com or call the office.
You can also see a detailed description of PerfectNorth at the website. www.perfectnorth.com
Ice-Skating a Blast!
Ok...I admit I am not an avid ice skater. I am not good at all. In fact this was my first time out on the ice. I had no idea how slick the ice would be. I know that sounds stupid because of course ice is slick, but man is it ever slick. However, I did not fall down thanks to the wall around the edge. I had a blast! Thank you to all those who went and put up with my poor skating, I will improve and maybe next year if we go skating I will be going out in the middle and doing some jumps! Ok...maybe not.
A good time was had by all!
December 7, 2006
Ice-Skating this Saturday!
Hello all you crazy youths!
I know that you will be checking the blog and looking for these details so here they are pass them around!
We are going Ice-Skating at Ice-Land Sports Complex (Louisville) and Mr. Gattis for pizza afterward!
Here is the link for Gattiland http://www.gattiland.com/louisville/index.html
- Van's will leave from church at 10:00 a.m.
- Ice-Skating and Pizza will cost $15.00 - games at gattiland will be extra. $5.00 should buy you tons of fun!
- We will skate from 11:15 to 1:30
- We will eat from 2:00 to 3:30
- We will return home from 3:30 to 4:00
- Dress warm you will be on ICE! ICE is cold, for those of you who aren't sure, believe me it is!
Any questions call me at home or at the office! Bring a friend!
See you Saturday!
December 6, 2006
They Made It!!
Our prayers were answered today as we have received word from Jimmy and his family that they have returned from their 40/40. You can read all about their adventures and see pictures from their safari at their new website. http://web.mac.com/jdbledsoe519/iWeb/Site
I incourage you to take a look and see what is going on in their world!
November 19, 2006
Seussical the Musical
I caught Sunday's performance of Seussical, and I thought the performance was great (I'm not a fan of musicals, and I enjoyed it)! It was fun to see so many of you exhibiting the acting/singing talent you've been given. I also thought it was cool to see so many friends that have either come to youth group events in the past, or who I've seen you hanging out with other places. I think it's great that the youth that go to our church are able to be ambassadors of Christ in the CHS' theater department, and I'm sure it showed not only to your fellow students, but also to your director.
It's cool to see how God's blessed our youth group with so much talent in different areas--cooking, sports, music, writing, drawing, acting. Know that he's given you those abilities, and he knows exactly how you can use them to help other people know him better.
Keep Devin updated on other events you all have going on. I know there's a couple of band concerts in December, and that basketball season has started.
"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone." - 1 Cor. 12:4-6
November 7, 2006
Response to Paid in Full
First, let me say that it has been a while since I have had any time to post. Sorry, I know that you feel like you have been missing out.
So, I will take a moment to repsond to the previous post.
We had a Sunday night at the McCoy's that marked another spot on our Journey through the Gospel.
The Letter of the night was P. Paying the price for our sins, Jesus died and rose again.
The exercise that we went through that night was strictly for those who are believers. This is a break down of what happened in my group. I asked the everyone to write down the sin in their life that they believed was hindering their relationship to God. I wrote down my sin as well. I asked that they close their eyes and pray that God would forgive them of the sin that had been keeping them at arms length from God. I then asked that they would wait until they felt as if they had heard from God that they were forgiven, when they were ready I ask them to fold their paper up and place it in a small trash can that I had with me. As they placed their paper in the can I looked them in the eyes and said "Paid in Full" This exercise was to allow them to remember that their sin was completely and fully paid for on the cross. That as a "believer" (someone who has not only confessed their sin to the Lord, but has acknowledged that Christ paid for that sin on the cross and rose again. Who also has given themselves to the Lord as a servant and holds Jesus Christ as their savior and ruler of their life) they are no longer held in judgement because of their sin. God's wrath has been removed and they are set free from the penalty because of Christ. This exercise was not for the unbeliever. I was certain that within my group there was nobody that had not made that commitment. If there were people there who might have been unbelievers, I would have handled it much differently. As we take part in the Gospel Journey the focus for the first 8 weeks is centered around those who have already made a commitment to Christ. The exercises and the discussion will be different starting in January as we will be bringing friends to group that might not have a relationship with God, or even know much about Christ.
We are all sinners in need of a Savior. There is truly no one who seeks God. We are all dead in our sins and in need of the life giving power of Christ. He is the one in whom we place our trust and in whom we find true life and meaning. Without our lives being transformed in Him, we remain lost and headed for a life seperated from God for eternity. This eternity is not one of comfort, but one of despair and a literal Hell.
God seeks to redeem and transform His fallen creation, but we can only come to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. He is the one who died on the cross paying in full the due penalty for the sins of His children. He is the one who has risen to life and reigns with His Father in Heaven.
I hope this clears up any misunderstanding on the "Paid in Full Exercise" if not please do not hesitate to ask me questions or call me I will be happy to discuss this matter with you.
October 23, 2006
Journey Ministries
Paid in Full?
I couldn't put my finger on it last night, but the "paid in full" exercise we did last night, I hope, is not something we plan on doing when we invite the unsaved to our sessions. Unless one has made a commitment to Christ, they will be judged by their sin. Their sins are not "paid in full" unless they accept Him ("there is one sin that is never forgiven, and that is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit" {blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to reject salvation and not let the Holy Spririt fill your person}). And as we agreed early in the session, we are not about coercing others. I certainly hope we don't plan on doing the "paid in full" with the Christian group members only as a pressure tactic for our unsaved friends. I would find this inappropriate - but I don't know if this is the plan. Would you advise or provide clarification?
October 17, 2006
S. Sin cannot be removed by good deeds!
On Sunday night in our small group time we discovered through the GOSPEL JOURNEY that Sin cannot be removed by our good deeds.
Greg Stier said in the video that our sacrifice for sins must be a blood sacrifice. This is what God desires. Although we understand that today we don't make sacrifices of animals anymore, because Jesus became for us the Lamb of God that would take away the sins of the world. He was our blood sacrifice. He, just like the Lamb of ancient Israel's sacrifices, would take the place of us in the wrath of God's judgment. He bled on the cross for our sins, He suffered for our mistakes and wrongdoings.
We also realized that we have need for our sins to be removed, because in and of ourselves we will never be good enough. The 10 Commandments were given for us to be able to see that we would never be able to keep the moral law. We will always fall short. Sin is missing the mark or falling short of God's law. Just as a judge brings judgment on someone who disobeys the law in our judicial system, so God will bring His judgment upon those who disobey His laws and commands.
We all fall short, there is none that is able to keep the law. However, there is one who has kept the law and has come not to do away with the law, but to fulfill it. This is Jesus. He was born without sin and was the only one to remain without sin. He was God incarnate in the flesh. He is our spotless Lamb.
Yes! We do need a Savior, our sins cannot be removed by our good deeds!
Bon Fire!
Ok, so this is the night! We all have waited for it to arrive! The night of the BON FIRE! (The Fire Dept. has been notified)
This will be a great time. I would like for you to please bring something to roast your marshmellows and/or hotdogs!
We will being the evening with a few hardy games! I have a basketball hoop and Nerf football for anyone interested. Also I have planned a few games of my own!
If everything works out! One game will involve pumpkins and a large target on the ground. (I will let you use your imagination)
There will be an egg toss so please dress in something appropriate.
Your families are welcome to come everyone is invited!
We will enjoy the fellowship of one another and God.
Any questions call the church office and I will be happy to answer your inquiries.
In Him,
October 16, 2006
Journey Ministries
Journey Ministries
10 Commandments...
From Sunday's video. God setting us up to fail? Ouch! That's a pretty harsh accusastion from Ashley! But it's a fair question all the same, given her background. A different way to look at it is we humans want to "do" to achieve. So God shows us - here's a list of 10 "works." Jesus reveals the "riddle" of the 10 Commandments "I come not to break the law but to fulfill it." What does He mean by that? God let us use the 10 Commandments to reveal what needed to be covered. Works were not sufficient. Jesus said, "Clean the inside of the vessel, and then the outside will be clean as well." He meant that we need to change our hearts, which is inward. And we can't change our hearts as much as we let God change them. Jesus threw out an interesting challenge to the Pharisees regarding the "works" aspect of the 10 Commandments. Since they believed everything was outward, including sin (it came from the outside, or was sensorily induced, not from the inside, namely our wicked hearts), Jesus told them, "If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out." Owwww! You see, the eye doesn't cause you to sin. It's the heart inside you. So are you going to base your faith in works, or trust in the Savior? Let's talk!
October 10, 2006
O. Our Sin Separates us from God!
Listen to a brief overview of what we found to be true on Sunday night Small Group
The Gospel Journey
Gabcast! journey-ministries #3
How do I witness to a friend that is difficult?
Whoa! This is a tough one. How do I share my faith with someone who believes in something so totally opposite from what I do. God will give you boldness and strength but you must do some work to prepare yourself. Hence.. the whole GOSPEL JOURNEY on Sunday nights. Just for your information here are a couple places to go to get prepared.
And last but not least I have taken this directly from dare2share.org It is a list of how to share with very specific believers.
How to Share Your Faith with...
Have friends who are atheists? Agnostics? Into Wicca? Or New Age? Which of these belief systems have you encountered before? Did you talk to them about what they believe? Were you able to share the gospel with them? Fourteen predominate worldviews are explored, providing insights on how to be effective in sharing your faith with others.
Which one of your friends do you want to share your faith with?
Alisha the Agnostic
Andy the Atheist
Bailey the Buddhist
Erin the Evolutionist
Hari the Hindu
Jenna the Jew
Jordan the Jehovah Witness
Marty the Mormon
Mo the Muslim
Nicole the New Ager
Ryan the Religious
Sid the Satanist
Tara the Typical
Willow the Wiccan
GOSPEL Journey- Sunday Night Oct. 8
I promised you all that I would post the 4/1 Defense Strategy on the Blog so here it is as promised.
their argument.)
Journey Ministries
Journey Ministries
Thoughts from Sunday's video:
From our video Sunday night, think about what the young man who claimed to be an atheist had to say – that mankind “evolved” to a point where they knew right from wrong. Right and wrong from an atheistic standpoint can only mean right and wrong to others, not God, since an atheist doesn’t believe in God.
Now, if that’s true, then the concept of societal cooperation and trust would have had to develop. This is fairly foreign to other species. Wolves exhibit this to some degree in killing as a pack, but there is a clear order, from the alpha wolf all the way to the omega (the lowest in the pack). The alpha gets the best spoils of the hunt, eat first, etc. although they may not do any more work than the rest of the pack in making the kill. Cooperation is for their very survival, but there’s clearly not a concept of “fairness.” The weak are the first ones to die off, even with the pack mentality.
We humans do have a concept of fairness. If you really buy the concept of survival of the fittest, then the concept of fairness (as a later development) would open up the being offering it to exploitation – exploitation to the potential point of death. It doesn’t even make sense in the evolutionary model. As an evolutionist, one really should exploit the weak (perhaps still within the confines of the law, as the “law” is stronger than the individual) since there won’t be any long term consequences. Showing mercy or kindness would be a sign of weakness. Of course, one would probably be pre-disposed to love one’s family (Jesus Himself said even the sinners do that), but no love to strangers or the weak.
Here’s an example of what I mean by “exploit:” you go into a store, buy something and pay for it. The clerk makes a $10 mistake in your favor. Unless there is some obligation or personal gain to be had from the cashier (very unlikely) by returning the money, an atheist would be a fool to return it. The clerk might have to reconcile the $10 from his own pay, or lose his job, but his weakness was the cause of him losing it in the first place – ergo, he doesn’t deserve a break.
If anyone would like to provide a refutation to this, drop a line and we’ll talk!
October 5, 2006
That's the title of the cover story in Time Magazine's latest issue. I invite you to read the article at http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1541283,00.html. Here is an interesting excerpt:
As scientists keep reminding us, evolution is a random process in which haphazard genetic changes interact with random environmental conditions to produce an organism somehow fitter than its fellows. After 3.5 billion years of such randomness, a creature emerged that could ponder its own origins-and revel in a Mozart adagio.
The article states that scientists have compared the human DNA with a chimp's DNA and they're 98.77% alike, but somehow that 1.23% of difference is a huge one and they can't quite figure out why, oh, but they're working hard on it, real hard, like they have been for 150 years since Darwin came up with the whole evolution theory.
Do you find it sad or comical that scientists continue to spend millions of hours and millions of dollars a year trying to prove a theory based on randomness and haphazard genetic changes in order to discover our origin? Or, just maybe, perhaps one day, scientists may actually be able to disprove evolution altogether and those molecular geneticists and anthropologists and biologists can focus their lives on a new study, starting in Genesis Chapter 1!
I encourage you to respond to the Time Magazine Editor at letters@time.com
October 4, 2006
Evolution vs. Creation Challenge C-Team
This debate will definitely be a challenge. It seems as if the E-Team has some strong defenses. We will have to do our best to be able to explain the truth. God has called us all to be able to stand for the truth.
How can we stand for the truth if we don't know it. Hopefully this will be a challenge that will bring us all closer to a better understanding of the truth.
Ok...C-Team let's give it a go!
I would say that God has given us plenty of evidence that He has created things. How can you logically conclude that all of this has come together through random collisions of matter that had to exist somehow. So my first question for the E-Team is this if you believe that all this is a random series of events and that matter just collided to become this planet and universe. What or maybe better (Who) started the first reaction and where did the matter come from in the first place?
Give it a go E-Team!
October 2, 2006
E Team Kick-off
E Team
Let's make the creationist team really work to refute our arguments! We'll all learn something from this. Even if you don't believe the argument you're advancing, think of those that many who believe in evolution advance. Let's pray that our brothers and sisters have wisdom and give us a refutation that would knock your socks off!
I'll start our team off with one:
When Darwin did his studies in the Galapagos islands, he found four species of birds, each that came from a common ancestor. The interesting point is that the tiny island had four very distinct geographic regions, and these birds developed survival traits that would help them in each of these environments (rain forest, desert, mountain ....can't remember the fourth). The traits had to do with the type of beak that developed for the kind of food. There may have been other characteristics, such as need for water.
Surely, this example speaks to the idea of natural selection...survival of the fittest, so to speak. This is a key point to evolution, is it not? If that doesn't convince you, the fossil record shows an evolutionary growth in the length of a giraffe's neck. Obviously, the giraffes with the longer necks could reach more food to sustain themselves (higher in the trees). The ones with the longer necks survived, while the others died out.
Let's hear your refutation.
October 1, 2006
Describing Jesus A-Z
Middle School -
Here's the list of words describing Jesus you came up with in Sunday School--great job!
Loving Lord
Omniscient (all-knowing)
Prince of Peace
your assignment -
sometime during the week, leave a comment about how you have experienced Jesus in one of these ways.
Remember Mark 1:41, "Moved with pity, [Jesus] stretched out his hand and touched [the leper] and said to him,
September 27, 2006
Momentum- FUN FUN Capital F Capital UN
If tonight you plan to be here for you this is what you'll need
Come dress for dirty wet fun, there will be time to dry out before you must run
There are things that go round there are things that go bounce,
but the trick is to see who can carry the ounce.
So I know that you are wondering what do I get!
Well come dress for dirty wet fun and you can bet that you will have a time
yes, you will, a time you will have a good time by all!
with a hoop and a bat and a ball!
You will never get this (clue)!
So come and we will have fun you and me!
See you tonight! 09-27-06
September 26, 2006
Ski Trip T-Shirt!
Yes! I am excited about the opportunity to take the youth ministry here at FBC to Perfect North to ski, tube, or if you are just crazy enough snow board. I have a unique challenge.
I want us all to have T-Shirts for this trip. However, I want the design to be something that the youth have designed.
So...here is the challenge!
I would like you to design as best you can a T-Shirt to represent this trip. The T-Shirt must contain the Journey Ministries logo somewhere and must also remind us of the purpose of the trip.
What, you may ask, is the purpose of the trip? To build solid Christian relationships within our youth group and especially our parents!
We will be focusing on Gary Chapman's "The Five Love Languages"
Click here to print out a T-Shirt to use as a design template.
To the person who designs the winning T-Shirt for the trip will be awarded a free ski pass of their choice including rental.
Total prize package is worth between $50-65.
All T-Shirt designs must be turned in by Oct. 18th! No late entries will be allowed!
It must be your own design to win. Copyrighted material may not be used!
September 25, 2006
Gospel Journey
Sunday night was the start of our G.O.S.P.E.L. Journey together!
So what did you think?
Was it what you were expecting?
Are you excited to get going on the Journey?
Be real! Tell me what you think!
I want you all to be completely open and honest on this journey...
So let me here from you!
September 21, 2006
Momentum- Death where is your sting?
Wednesday night we took at closer look at the Resurrection of Christ.
Is the resurrection important?
Does it have an placein our lives today? The resurrection happened almost 2000 years ago....so how does it affect me today?
Are the other stories that attempt to disprove the resurrection merited!
We say NO!
Not only is the resurrection a hot topic today in light of the recent novel "The DaVinci Code" it is also a key component in the Christian faith.
Many theories have been developed over the years that have attempted to explain the empty grave, however none have proved that Jesus did not indeed rise from the dead. In fact, I believe that many of the theories have actually made Jesus' resurrection even more believable.
Did Jesus just faint on the cross and then later awake to find himself entombed an gently roll the over 3000 lb. stone away by himself? (remember also that He was beat and tortured to the point of almost dying) This would have taken a miracle, not to say that Christ couldn't have performed such a miracle but it was not in His nature to use His power for selfish gain.
What about the account that the disciples went to the wrong tomb?
Would there not have to be a body still left in the right tomb? How could the disciples have missed the tomb that was guarded heavily with Roman soldiers?
This doesn't seem to hold water either does it?
Oh, I know what happened! Jesus followers stole the body and hid it! That is what must have happened. The Roman soldiers probably were asleep or maybe they were compliant with the disciples since they had such a great relationship with the Jewish people!
Come on, I mean really this is the best accounts that people can come up with, I don't think so!
Forget "The DaVinci Code" mumbo jumbo.
Look at the fact! Jesus rose again from the dead concurring death once and for all. Jesus took the sting of death away that their would be no reason for us as believers to fear. We have no fear because for us there is no death. The only thing left for us to do is live the victorious life that Jesus won for us through the resurrection. We must always remember that death has been defeated and we can celebrate the eternally life that we have in Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:55-57
55"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"56The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Here is also a great article on the Resurrection of Christ!
September 14, 2006
Parents Meeting...oh my!
Wow! What a great turnout...I believe that there were around 10+ people at the meeting!
For those of you who couldn't be there, let me summarize.
You will recieve a letter that has this information in it as well, so be checking your mail!
I decribed my ideas of what Family-Based Youth Ministry is all about.
Short def--All people within the church working together in a family way to ensure that the youth are being raised up to be mature men and women of faith! Biblically speaking the older should teach the younger, and the younger should help the older to stay young.
Yearly Events- This is a list of events that I have in my plan book,however they are not set in stone, and can be added to or taken away from!
1. Winter Retreat- Ski Trip to PerfectNorth - somewhere between Dec or Jan -- www.perfectnorth.com will give you a sneak peek at the area and the stuff around! This retreat will be focusing on the Five Love Languages for teenagers and parents. Adults and youth will have time first by themselves and then together, with time for fun and snow sports as well. When we discover the language that best communicates love to each other, we find it easier to live in a Christ-focused relationship with each other, honoring God as His children who want to love and be loved!
2. Conference/Retreat - somewhere in March or April
3. M-Fuge - Mission Camp either in Nashville or St. Louis. Sometime in June or July. This camp experience is awesome! Go to www.lifeway.com/fuge/mission for more information. Camp focused on real life mission work. Youth get to choose which area they will best minister in: drama, music, building, nursing home, food banks, and more. Plus, they also have a peer-ministry track for older youth wanting to reach youth their age.
4. Super Summer- Christian Youth Leadership Based Camp- sometime in July
Home Events -
1. V-Day Banquet to raise money for camp. This might even include dinner show, depending on participation.
2. Nursing Home, Elderly, Homeless - all aspects of community reach-out to those who are less fortunate.
3. Church project- we will be doing something at sometime to help in cleaning the church, in detail!
4. Community Service - as in cleaning our highway median.
5. School Events- take the youth to home games for them to cheer on their brothers and sisters in Christ.
See You at the Pole - Sept 27th - working on contacts with those involved in FCA!
Basketball - Fifth Quarter parties! I would like to work with area churches to help provide a safe, Christian enviroment for the youth to hang out after the games!
Youth Ministry Team
Linda D., and hopefully someone else, will be our parent/youth representative(s) on the Youth Ministry Team... This team is developed to help keep us accountable and provide wisdom, prayer, and support to the youth ministry at FBC.
Blog- I explained why we need a BLOG and why it seems to be working! I like to use it for a help in commmunicating information back to both you and the youth. Instant information at your fingers!
We had some ideas that came up...
Paula T. said that it would be good for the youth to work at the Soup Kitchen, maybe around the holidays.
I agree that we need to let the youth experience the joy of reaching out to someone less fortunate.
All in all the meeting went very well. I look forward to our next meeting. We will have another meeting in Oct or Nov. Watch the bulletin for more information!
How Much Do You Love Me?
Momentum was hard last night for me...I am sure you understood that when I began to cry.
I want to be real with you.
I want you to know that I am a real person. I understand what you are going through at school and at home and with your friends and at church and when you are all alone. I have been there! It is not about what I want! It is about HIM!
I hope last night brought to your mind the sick, disgusting, and hidious death that Jesus faced. I hope that you saw the thorns and heard His cries. I hope that you were reminded of His blood and sacrifice for you.
Let's be real! Let's be who God has called us to be, let's be the Christians who are truly Christ-like!
He became nothing and poured Himself out, so that we might have grace and mercy lavished on us. His mercy and grace are treasures that we do not deserve. We will never amount to His righteousness, but He asks that we give Him all!
How much do you love me?
Then He stretched out His arms and He died.
September 11, 2006
Journey Ministries
Journey Ministries
Teen challenge:
Saint Thomas Aquinas is attributed with the saying, "Faith with reason." This does not contradict the gospel when it says, "Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe." We must come to terms with some of the more challenging aspects of Christianity if our faith is to grow. Your challenge - write a 200 word or less post that answers the question, "Why would a loving God allow suffering in the world?" I'm looking for honest answers, not necessarily the "perfect" answer. Answer what you believe! The winner will receive a large pizza with the toppings of their choice from the pizzaria of their choice. Think carefully and prayerfully before responding! Use scripture or Christian authors if you like to back up your position.
Jim Navetta
September 9, 2006
The Gospel Journey- Sunday night small group!
Ok...I can't leave you all hangin' so here is a banner of what we will be looking at on Sunday night Small Group. It is from www.dare2share.org .
That is it! I can't give it all away or you will never be hung in suspense!
Check it out!
The Excitement Builds!
The days are counting down until we see the night of small groups. Yes! The night when our small group will begin at John and Colette's house. I hope you are planning on coming. We will have a blast! This is the night you all have been waiting for....and it is coming as the clock counts down! Tick, Tick, Tick.
We will start at 6:00 p.m. on the button don't forget parent pick-up is at 8:00 p.m. (they can come earlier however 8:00 is the latest You Have School Remember!)with food and then it will be time, for what you may ask...come and see!
Facing The Giants
Well I must admit this seems to be a time when Hollywood has sent a good one down the pipe!
Often we find that the never ending stream of debris that comes out onto the big screen is nothing but that....Garbage!
However "Facing The Giants" offers hope and brings the glory back to the one to whom it belongs...God!
You may find more information about the movie at the site www.facingthegiants.com check out the trailer it looks to be something I would love to see!
Maybe if there are enough interested we could go as a group some night! Whadaya Say?
September 6, 2006
Tanzania Termite Mound!
If you all have not been to the funniest and most loved blog of all time. You must visit http://tanzaniatermitemound.blogspot.com It is by far the one and only blog needed for Christian living.
Plus Jimmy B. has made it and I love him and his family.
So go and post and tell them that you are praying for them!
What is Ultimate?
Ultimate is defined as a cross between american football, soccer, and frisbee!
So what does this have to do with FBC YOUTH!
Well...were playing a hard core game of Ultimate tonight!
Dress appropo and tell your friends. This means if you get on the blog and check this out...let your friends know so that they can also dress appropo!
Appropriately!! yeah!
Ok...so come prepared....for I will win!
Business Meeting Tonight!
What does that mean?
I have never been to a business meeting...
I am not sure that I want to go to a business meeting!
Well, rest assured that I am not having us all go to business meeting tonight!
However, I am looking for a "few good youth" that would take on the role as representatives from the group tonight.
Now...there are some rules. You must be a member of the church. You must have been here for at least 6 months. Finally, you must have a willing spirit!
This should not be that hard to find within our youth group!
You might say that the whole business meeting thing is boring, however you will be the one who reads the youth report to the members. This slight bit of participation is much needed!
Ok, so who will go for me? Who will be my witness.
Will it be you?
Jon and Colette Directions!
Jon posted this in the comments however, I thought it might be good for those who might not read the comments to see it here!
Jon said "Those directions could be a tad bit misleading if you have no idea where you're going although I think most of you have been to my house.From Bethany Road turn into Farmington Station Subdivision onto Farmington Way, hang a right onto Ridgefield Drive and we're the 8th house on the right, look for all the cars!See ya!"
September 1, 2006
Dare2share.org is a wonderful website for parents with teens. It is brimming with insight and help to teach your maturing young adult what they need to know about Christ. This ministry is affiliated with Focus on the Family.
The primary purpose is to connect teens and adults with information that helps them share their faith.
I am currently taking the youth through the adventure of the 30 Core Truths found here!
This website has an archive of bible studies that you are free to look at and share within your family.
Check it out!
What is your forte?
Many of you are involved in what I would call....extra curricular activities. Otherwise known sports, drama, clubs, and the like.
What is your forte? What are you involved in? Let us all in on the secret life of YOU!
August 30, 2006
New Youth Sunday School Material!
Hey all you parents and youth alike I just wanted to let you know that the new class material is in for the Youth Sunday school. All the classes are going to be looking into the book of MARK. That is right you heard it here first...MARK. So what is this new material like...well it is published by LifeWay and it is one book in a series called LXVI. This stands for the 66 books of the Bible. LifeWay is developing training tools to cover all 66 books and though they are not finished what they have now looks to be exciting!
So...gear up and fuel up on Sunday for a trip through the book of MARK.
Studying God's Word is always challenging, but it is well worth it!
In Him,
There is good traffic and bad traffic, but I must say that this is great traffic! I am so excited to see that Jimmy B. and Abby some of our far away friends have posted comments to our Blog. I appreciate it so much that you all taking time to read and keep up with what is going on here!
Let us know how we can pray for you!!
We will keep in touch...
August 29, 2006
For you Senior High Bloggers, I forgot to mention on Sunday that David & Annette Shaw will be teaching your class in September (except for the last Sunday) I will be there that last Sunday and through the month of October. Keep the Shaw family in your prayers as Annette prepares to go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN on September 21 and please, please, bring your Swords to class on Sunday because spiritual warfare is real and all around us and I don't want you to be caught unarmed when the enemy comes knocking!!
Other prayer requests from Sunday:
Bowman's knee, Melissa's friend whose family was harmed by shootings, the Bledsoes, Devin as he takes on the youth ministry at FBC
Keep it Real!
Parents + Pizza = Fun Meeting!
I wanted to remind you that we will be meeting briefly before Wednesday night Prayer Service on Sept 13th at 5:30 p.m.
Pizza will be served and you are invited to bring your youth as well. We will be discussing what we plan to see happening within the youth ministry in the upcoming year.
I am excited to meet with you soon!
If you are planning on attending please call or jot me an e-mail or post to this blog a comment! This will allow me the opportunity to see how many might be there so that I don't waste pizza!
In Him,
P.S. if you have a favorite soda list it as well!
Momentum- Jesus Who?
What do Crayons and the Son of God have in common!?
Come to Momentum on Wednesday night at 6:30 and see for yourself!
We will be having a little bit of a test of artistic skill.
So... bring a crayon and you might find a surprise for you and one for me!
Crayons! Crayons! Time to get a Crayon!
See you soon,
August 28, 2006
You Asked for It!
First let me say that all the fun will begin on Sept 17th at 6:00 p.m.
This will be our first meeting time!
Well...as I have talked with many of the youth they have discussed the need to have something to do on Sunday night that is not boring!!!
Well...You asked for it!
We are going to be meeting at (Click "John and Collete" for directions)John and Collette McCoy's house on Sunday nights at 6:00 p.m. and retiring around 8:00 p.m. this will give us ample time to get all the fun out of our systems!
We will begin with something to eat!
Next we will have a kick-off time that will focus us for the nights activities!
We will then be break into groups till around 7:30
And from 7:30 to 8:00 we will have time to hang out before parent pick-up at 8:00 p.m.
So...what will we be doing!
I will let you know soon, but until then let the suspense eat you up!
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com
In Him,
August 27, 2006
Youth in Choir
Let me just say that I was totally inspired to see so many youth in choir this morning. God was definitely pleased despite the technical difficulties!
I want to encourage everyone of the youth to come and participate in choir. I realize that this might be a difficult decision or that you might be a little scared at first, but I promise the choir does not bite!
I have heard only positive comments about the youth singing with the choir and many have told me that it has been long overdue! In other words they want you to participate!
So... no pressure but definitely feel welcome to jump right in!
August 23, 2006
Just to see if you are paying attention!
Ok blogger fans from the FBC!
This is a test...oh but it is a good test!
Tonight at youth group if you wear a stocking hat you will get a prize!
Only those who check out the Blog will know so don't share this with anyone!
See you tonight!
August 21, 2006
To Ski or not to Ski?
I am sure that Shakespeare didn't have our FBC youth ski trip in mind when he penned the phrase to be or not to be. However, I am sure he wouldn't mind me tweaking it a bit!
So...what is it to SKI or NOT to SKI?
I am currently looking at a ski trip retreat idea for this coming winter. This trip would include a chance for us to get together share Christ with one another and our folks as well as pound some powder on the slopes.
Have you ever been skiing?
Would you like to go skiing?
Are you afraid to go skiing?
Whether you have been skiing for a long time or you are a novice the idea of sliding on snow is appealing I believe.
This snow trip would also include snowboarding for those who are a little more daring as well as snow tubing for those who would rather relax and ride the tubes.
If you are even remotely interested or think this might be fun. Either drop me a line at journey-ministries@hotmail.com or post a comment to this blog.
Ski you later!
August 17, 2006
God in Three Persons!
Trinity- Who Cares?
Ok...so in MOMENTUM we discovered the truth about the Trinity. Which is?...
God exists in three seperate yet totally together persons!
God is Triune meaning that He is three in one. So...1+1+1=1
And some of us thought that math was hard...well it is and sometimes this kinda is a little tough to grasp so let me break it down.
God in three persons-- turns out..this really means a lot to Christians.
Without the Father creating us we would not exist!
Without the Son dying for us we would have no Savior!
Without the Spirit drawing us to Christ we would have no salvation! This tends to be a big one! Without the Triune God we are simply stuck (dead) in our transgression and sins.
Paul put it this way in Colosians 2:13-15 (click to read verse)
God is awesome! He loves us so much that He desires for us to take refuge in all three persons of Himself.
God, the creator of the Universe, loves us unconditionally. He sent His one and only Son to die for us a cruel and passionate death. When we accept Jesus as our Savior and ask Him to be our Lord God imparts His Holy Spirit to live within us and guide us. He becomes our comforter and our everpresent help.
What a wonderful Triune God we serve.
So...when we sing..."God in three persons, blessed Trinity" now we know why we are so excited about our One God in Three.
Want to know more about the Trinity look at these study notes.
Trinity- Who Cares?
Got Trinity?
August 16, 2006
Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary offers a definition that fits our group well. It states that MOMENTUM is "strength or force gained by motion or through the development of events."
The FBC Youth group through reading and studying God's word will be gaining MOMENTUM toward the heart of God. We want to rush toward our creator with a passionate force. We want to get to know Him intimately and live out our lives for His glory!
We begin our week on Sunday as we honor the Lord in corporate worship. This should be our time to come and fuel-up for the race of the week with Christ.
By Wednesday we should have already gained ground on our quest for truth and love of God.
On Wednesday evenings we will build MOMENTUM to propell us through the rest of the week.
God is seeking after those who want to be white-hot on fire for Him. We should run the race with passion.
1 Corinthians 9:24 "Do you know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."
We must run the race of life for the prize of knowing our Savior and our God with MOMENTUM!
August 15, 2006
I have created this Blog to help us connect! My hope is that we will connect with Christ and one another.
I know that many of you have your own personal blogs and I wanted us to be able to share this Blog and give everyone a glimpse of what is happening in the FbC YoUtH WoRlD!
Crazy? Maybe....We will see!
Post often and let the fun begin!
In Him,
Also....check the Calendar for upcoming youth events and details!
I will keep you in the loop.
Questions? journey-ministries@hotmail.com