February 26, 2009

You Matter to God!

Read Exodus 3:7-12

God knows all about your struggles...and cares about them. How does this passage give you hope? We often feel like we can't do a specific task God has given to us. How does God respond to Moses' objection of "Who am I?"

February 25, 2009

February 24, 2009

Meet a VIP

Read Exodus 3:4-6

Have you ever met someone important or famous? Was it an intimidating experience? Clearly Moses was afraid when God spoke to him. Why do you think that is?

February 23, 2009

Winter Jam 2009

We are heading to Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY to attend Winter Jam '09 on March 7! The concert features Hawk Nelson, Toby Mac, Newsong, and more! Cost is only $10 for this concert. A recent change has been made. Instead of meeting at the church at 3:00 we will instead meet at the church at 2:00. The show ends @ 9:20. Seating is first come first serve so we want to secure some good seats!

A Burning Bush or Indigestion?

Read Exodus 3:1-3

God used some unusual circumstances to get Moses' attention. I am sure Moses did a double take when seeing a bush that was burning...but not. Have you ever felt that God was trying to get your attention through an unusual event?