March 20, 2007

L.O.S.E.R. Week!

Hello Losers!
Yes, I said LOSERS! All the FBC Youth are headed for a week of complete and total Losership!

Matthew 10:39 says

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses
his life for my
find it.

God has called us all to be His LOSERS!

We will be serving Him by loving on those around us the week of March 26-30
through various projects.

March 26 L - Lawn Service
March 27 O - Outreach to the Ederly in Nursing Homes
March 28 S- Sensational Sports Ministry
March 29 E - Evangelistic Outreach (Man on the street interviews)
March 30 R - Relax and Regroup!

Five LOSER Days!
For more information or to register please click on the links provided!


March 15, 2007

Food for Thought!

Cassie, my friend and personal hero, sent me this article from Dr. Mohler's Blog this morning. I really think that everyone should read this. It is definite food for thought!

"The New Family Trump Card" -- Family Time vs. Church Time

Loving my LOSER Youth,

March 6, 2007

some helpful links

This is a screenshot of the blog "The Rebelution."

Says their "about us" page, "The official definition of the 'rebelution' is 'a teenage rebellion against the low expectations of an ungodly culture.'"

The blog is written by a couple of young men, Alex and Brett Harris, for teenagers to help encourage you that it is possible to live different for God. The website includes articles about stuff happening in the culture, articles on how to react to certain situations, and more. On the sidebar to the blog there is a list of their best blog posts, as well as a list of other blogs to read, and overall this site is a huge amount of information that will be very beneficial to you--it is to me, and I'm not even a teen anymore.

I've added it to our sidebar links, as well as the following two:
Brio Magazine is "teaching, entertaining and challening teen girls toward a healthy self-concept and closer relationship with Jesus Christ." Some of you may get the hardcopy in the mail, but I recommend the online site not only because it's easily accessible, but it has a section called soul food which is like a devotional updated each day.

Breakaway Magazine
I'm not so familiar with, mostly because it's for guys and I lack being a guy. They say: "Enjoy our stories about sports, adventure, music, girls, faith, technology, and much more. And connect with fellow teens who care about making a difference for Christ in their world."

Hope you're able to check those out. The last two are very good, and the first one is very challenging (the good kind).

March 3, 2007

Pray for the Bledsoes

For those of you who don't receive e-mail from the Bledsoes, they were recently able to send out prayer requests for the month of March. Their internet, electricity, and facilities have been sketchy since the move, so that is why their website (see sidebar) hasn't been updated. This is just a summary in my own words, for the sake of simplicity.

Top 10 Reasons to Pray for the Bledsoes - March 2007
10. Even though Jimmy and Diana were in language school for a few months, they still speak Swahili poorly. In order to speak to the hearts of the Shinyanga people about Christ, they need to speak in their language--Swahili. Because of this, pray that God will remove language difficulty between the Bledsoes and those around them. Also pray for the Bledsoes' language assistants.

09. Africans see Americans as rich (which is true, in comparison). Because of this, Jimmy and Diana are getting asked by everyone for money. Pray that the Bledsoes will have discernment and wisdom with their giving, and that the people around them would be drawn to the Bledsoes because of Christ and not for money alone (although God can use these needs to bring people to Christ).

08. Pray that the Bledsoes will build good relationships with their neighbors. This includes involving their neighbors in their vision of planting churches in their community, praying with their neighbors, etc. This also includes sharing their testimonies and leading their neighbors to faith in Christ.

07. The Bledsoes planted a garden, so pray that it would rain. Like the Bledsoe's garden, around the world there is a garden waiting to be cultivated and harvested. This means that around the world, there are people who will be saved--there just needs to be people sent out into the world to show them the ways of Christ and assist God's work in their lives. Pray for the Bledsoes' involvement in this spiritual harvest, and that the Holy Spirit would continue to work in the hearts of the Bledsoe family.

06. The Bledsoes have three workers in their home: Peter, Pus (pronounced "juice"), and Bundala. Pray that the Bledsoes will share the gospel with them, and that the workers will have integrity (i.e. they won't steal or abuse the responsibility given them).

05. Pray for Caleb and Isaac, who have left many friends behind (in both America and Africa) and miss these relationships. They've recently made friends with a neighbor, 9 year old Alfonzo. Pray for their new friend.

04. Pray for Jimmy as he meets with local church leaders (he has already met with two--Daudi and Pus). These leaders have been receptive to Jimmy's vision for starting a church planting movement among the Sukuma people. Pray that these leaders will understand and join Jimmy in this vision, and that they will be about "Main Thing Things" as well.

03. The Bledsoes are a part of a team composed of other missionaries. Some of these missionaries are the Williams', who are preparing to take a volunteer team they had back to the airport. They will also be going back to the States at the end of March, and will be preparing to head back to the States for their year-long stay in the U.S., furlough. In April the whole team will travel to Kenya, so pray for their future travel.

02. Pray for peace for a missionary couple in Tanzania who were brutally attacked in their hotel by a robber. The man was horribly attacked and the wife shot. They were immediately taken to a hospital in Kenya, so pray that they will recover physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

01. Pray for the Bledsoes as they settle into African living. This means their electricity goes in and out, their internet goes in and out, their water is frequently too dirty to handle, among other things. This also includes spending massive amounts of time at public places like the bank and post officies when here, it would only take ten minutes. Pray that they would adapt quickly to this way of living, and that they would have a quietness in their lives as they adjust to African ways.

These may seem like many requests, which could be overwhelming (especially since they are all very serious). I recommend maybe just taking one a day, that way you will pray for all ten three times a month. If one a day seems too little, try two.

"The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." - James, Jas. 5:16b