Hey Guys,
Some of you have been clued in that this Sunday there is going to be a documentary on the Discovery Channel about a tomb that was found in Jerusalem twenty years ago. Normally, I wouldn't even raise a fuss about it, but the whole point of this documentary is to prove that this is the tomb of Jesus and his family. The problem for Christians? We know that Jesus rose from the dead and then ascended into heaven--how could he have a tomb? Answer: he can't.
Even though unbiased archaeologists are even saying this is a poorly researched project, there are going to be swarms of students at your schools and even some teachers (I can think of at least two at CHS) that will buy into it, and use it to attack your belief in Christ.
The good news is that you have no reason to be afraid. Christ is like gravity. You can always try to prove gravity wrong, but because it is gravity, it will always win. Similarly, you can always try to prove Christ wrong, but because it is Christ--Truth, it will always win. We have nothing to worry about because no matter how much Christianity is tested (and it has been vehemently over the last 2000 years), it will come out on top.
Now, even though we know this truth, I wanted to give you guys a resource that may help you discuss these issues with your friends and teachers. God knows this documentary is going to air and he knows your friends and teachers will buy into it, so it's no shock that he's placed you in the middle--this is not only a time for you to proclaim the gospel and tell your friends the truth, but to logically prove this documentary wrong. I'm not saying you'll succeed (it's not your job to convince them that Christ is true, anyway, that's the job of the Holy Spirit), but I'm saying that you should jump on this opportunity because God's arranged things this way for a reason!
Here is a good guy who wrote some brief arguments as to why this thing is crazy. They are easy to understand, so I encourage you to at least read over them and be aware. If nothing else, they will help reassure your understanding of why it is not possible for the tomb of Jesus to have been found. Read the very short but very worthwhile article, here.
February 28, 2007
How Can Jesus Have a Tomb?
Congratulations, Dale!
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Phil. 4:4-7
Congrats to Dale on being invited to North Carolina--all expenses paid--on March 16-18 for a Food Network contest! Not only will Dale be able to have an awesome experience, but in North Carolina he has the chance to win a culinary scholarship with his brownie recipe.
We're proud of you, Dale. Let's keep Dale's trip and competition in our prayers over the next few weeks!
February 26, 2007
Middle School! recap of "Kingdom of Christ/God/Heaven"
Middle School Sunday School recap!
During the month of February, we slowly explored the concept of being citizens in the Kingdom of God (and the appropriate way to play Spoons). There was a lot of stuff we talked about, some of it pretty deep, so I figured I’d post a summary here to recap. I’ve listed six major concepts we talked about--hope it helps, and I hope that, like me, you’ve been challenged by the words of Jesus to live as he has called us to live, and to look forward to living in the new creation!
1. There is such a thing called the kingdom of Christ/God/heaven where Jesus is King and believers are kingdom citizens. As kingdom citizens we live according to the King, although there are lost people in this world who do not pledge allegiance to the King. Right now the Kingdom of Christ is seen in the lives of believers. The growth of the Kingdom of Christ is seen as the Church (the believers around the world) becomes larger.
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed. Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn! But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
2 Pet. 3:10-13
One day, all creation will pass away because it has been affected by sin which infected all of creation at the Fall (when sin entered into the world, when Adam and Eve mistrusted God in the Garden and ate of the fruit). In the new heavens and new earth, there will be only righteousness, living that pleases the King. Because of this, believers today should have “lives of holiness and godliness.” Our living now is supposed to reflect the way we will live in the new creation. The way we act shows what we anticipate the most!
2. In the Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5-7), Jesus explains how people are to live in God’s kingdom. The Jews had thought that God’s people should live according to the Law, but Jesus shows that citizens of the Kingdom of Christ must go beyond the Law and live with hearts totally sold out for Him and His ways. Although the Sermon lasts for three whole chapters, Jesus summarizes characteristics of kingdom citizens at the beginning, in what we call the Beatitudes, a series of blessings.
3. The Beatitudes explain that as kingdom citizens, we are:
- poor in spirit. This means that we realize our need for God not only in salvation, but that we need his strength and guidance every day of our lives.
- those who mourn. This means that we not only mourn over how messed up the world is because of sin, but we mourn over how messed up we are because the sin in our lives.
- the meek. This means that we are humble, and know that we have much to learn from others, including God, parents, teachers, and friends. Humility isn’t about showing others how wrong we are, but it is about learning.
- those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Just like a craving that must be satisfied, as kingdom citizens we should crave to live rightly for God. We should not be able to get along without behaving (in heart, mind, and action) how the Lord would want us to.
4. The Beatitudes also explain what actions kingdom citizens take:
- merciful. What we do is supposed to show mercy to others, including our parents when they don’t understand or friends who have been jerks. We are able to be merciful to others who hurt us because God has been very merciful to us, completely removing our sin and crediting to us Christ’s perfection. We are merciful in our actions.
- pure. When something’s pure, it is clear and clean. Our thoughts and heart are to be pure. Everything we do should be pure, without even a hint of murkiness (i.e. NOT like Charlestown water). We are pure in our actions.
- peacemakers. Jesus made peace between God and man. Just as Jesus has made peace in our lives, we are to make peace in the lives of others. This not only entails sharing the peace of Christ (the gospel) with unbelievers, but it explains helping friends make peace with one another. We make peace in our actions.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” - Matt. 5:10-12
We live in a world that does not understand God. The Bible says that the things of the world are enemies to the things of God, and because of this Christians who live like kingdom citizens (as described in the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount) will be persecuted (2 Tim. 3:12-13, Jn. 15:20). This means they will be ridiculed, talked about, insulted--sometimes even false rumors will spread. This is surely to happen by friends, family, or even other Christians if we live like Christ has commanded, because the ways of Christ are totally opposite and hostile to the ways of the world. There is no compromise.
6. Just like the Beatitudes serve as an overview/introduction to the Sermon on the Mount, there are some closing warnings at the end that conclude all that Jesus has said about living like kingdom citizens (and those who do not live like kingdom citizens).
First, Jesus notes that there will be people who have looked just like Christians, even doing Christian things, but they will not reflect good fruit. As Christians, we are connected to Christ. Because of that connection (and the time we spend with that connection, Christ), we will then reflect the character--the fruit--of Jesus. People who are not connected to Christ will not reflect the character of Jesus. This is sometimes the only way we will be able to tell true Christians from others. Are you reflecting Jesus’ character and bearing good fruit of mercy, purity, and peace?
Second, Jesus explains that upon death, many will come to Jesus expecting salvation, believing to be Christians. These people will have done many things in the name of the Lord, believing they were right with God, but Jesus explains that “Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” The difference in your life between the things you do that you label “Christian” and the will of the Lord are the characteristics of kingdom citizens. You can do many "Christian" things and not reflect the character of Christ, or be merciful, pure, and peacemaking. You can do many "Christian" things that doesn't result in persecution. But are just "Christian" things the will of God? What does Jesus say in Matthew 5-7?
...Neither of these mean that we are saved by what we do. Instead, what we do shows what has occurred in our lives and what we value. If we are connected to Christ like a branch is to a tree, then we will reflect that tree. Similarly, if you have salvation in Christ, you will reflect his character. Reflecting Jesus does not give you salvation, but instead it shows that you’re really saved.
February 22, 2007
Hello Conrades!
The Conrades are here and they are excited to share in the ministry of FBC. If you are interested in helping Dan or Chris please introduce yourself with a friendly handshake or call the office.
Dan will be needing help from the youth in various evangelistic events. I for one am pleased to be invited to serve!
How 'bout you?
Don't be afraid to welcome them!
February 15, 2007
Vanlentine's Banquet
I have now returned from my leave of absence from blogging and now seem to be reconnected with the Journey Ministries Blog after a confusing maze of cyberspace STUFF for lack of a better word so after an hour of figuring out how to finally get to where I am now I offer the following very condensed version of what I had originally planned to say:
Thank you to all youths and older youths who made the Valentine's Banquet a success tonight (or last night I should say now I guess). The love was flowing, the service was superb and the entertainment was, in fact, entertaining and we (Colette & I) enjoyed ourselves so much that I now realize I didn't eat enough spaghetti, I've got the munchies. Good night!
We Love you guys!
February 3, 2007
Pray for the Bledsoe's
Jimmy has just had a severe kidney stone attack somewhere in Nairobi. They will stay at the hospital there until he passes the kidney stone. Please pray for the Bledsoe's as they face this difficult situation at the beginning of there journey into Tanzania. Although we don't know the reason, we know that God has allowed this for a purpose. Pray that God's glory will be revealed as Jimmy and his family meet with others around them. Pray that God would allow Jimmy to recover quickly and that he would give Diana, Caleb, and Issac peace.
In Him,
February 2, 2007
Hello all,
I just thought that with the fact that many of you are bringing friends to GAMEDAY and they might not have been able to get the forms that I need from church, I would kindly post them on here so you might download at will.
There are two forms that need to be filled out completely before you may set foot on the vans.
- Dare2Share Ministries Waiver/Release Form GameDay '07
- http://docs.google.com/View?docid=ddrvrtfx_4drbdwc
Gameday will begin at 12:30 p.m. as we will be leaving the parking lot at FBC!
We will leave at 12:30 p.m.!!!
Parents will have to sign you out of school....school policy!